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حديقة الإكتفاء الذاتي

  حديقة الإكتفاء الذاتي الزراعة في المنزل تتطلب جهد لكن النتيجة تنسي التعب و تسر الروح و تدخل البهجة حيث ان الغذاء يكلف ما يقارب نصف الراتب الشهري . خطين من البصل . خطين من الطماطم خطين من الفول خطين من الكرنب حوض من الجرجير حوض من البقدنوس حوض من الكزبرة حوض من الكرفس حوض من الفجل خطين من السبانخ خطين من الجزر خطين من اللفت خطين من الباذنجان خطين من الفلفل وتحيط حديقتك بنباتات طبية لتستهلكها كمشروب أو لتستهلكهم كدواء منها اكليل الجبل، زعتر، نعناع، مرمرية ملحوظة : المزارع المنزلية الصغيرة لا تستهلك الكثير من المياه أفضل مواعيد لزراعة الخضروات زراعة جميع الخضروت فى المنزل 1-موعد زرعة الطماطم شهر 9و 10 و11 سبتمبر واكتوبر ونوفمبر وشهر فبراير ومارس 2 و 3 2-موعد زراعةباذنجان شهر7-8-9 يوليو واغسطس وسبتمبر وشهر 2 و 3فبراير ومارس 3-موعد زراعة الفلفل شهر 8-9-10 و 2 فبراير واغسطس وسبتمبر واكتوبر 4-موعد زراعة خيار شهر 2-3-4- و 8-9-10-11 5-موعد زراعة القرع شهر 7-8-9 و3-4 6-موعد زراعة الكوسة شهر 2-3-4-5 و 8-9-10-11 7-موعد زراعة البطيخ شهر نهاية شهر 1 يناير و فبراير 2و نهاية شهر اغسطس إلى...

10 Innovative EV Charging Technologies You Need to Know About

 As electric vehicles (EVs) become increasingly popular, the demand for EV charging stations is also on the rise. To keep up with this demand, innovators are constantly coming up with new technologies to make charging faster, more convenient, and more efficient. In this post, we'll explore 10 of the most innovative EV charging technologies that you need to know about.

  1. Ultra-fast charging: With ultra-fast charging technology, EVs can charge in a matter of minutes, rather than hours. Companies like Tesla and Porsche are already offering this technology, and it's likely to become more widespread in the coming years.

  2. Bidirectional charging: Bidirectional charging allows EVs to not only receive energy from the grid but also to send energy back to the grid. This technology could be especially useful in times of peak demand or during power outages.

  3. Wireless charging: With wireless charging technology, EVs can charge simply by parking over a charging pad, without the need for any cords or plugs.

  4. Solar-powered charging: Some charging stations are now powered by solar panels, making them a more sustainable option for charging your EV.

  5. Modular charging: Modular charging stations can be customized to fit the needs of specific locations, making them a more flexible and adaptable option for EV charging infrastructure.

  6. Dynamic charging: Dynamic charging technology allows EVs to charge while they're on the move, using special charging plates embedded in the road.

  7. Vehicle-to-vehicle charging: With vehicle-to-vehicle charging, one EV can charge another EV directly, without the need for a charging station.

  8. Automated charging: Some charging stations now come equipped with automated robotic arms that can connect the charging cable to your EV without any human assistance.

  9. Smart charging: Smart charging technology allows EVs to communicate with the grid and adjust their charging times to take advantage of times when energy is cheaper and more plentiful.

  10. Inductive charging: Inductive charging technology uses electromagnetic fields to transfer energy from the charging station to the EV, without the need for any physical contact.

In conclusion, these are just a few of the many innovative EV charging technologies that are emerging to support the growth of the EV industry. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more exciting developments in the future.


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